Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Things You Regret

I recently attended "muffins with mom" which turned put to be doughnuts and cereal with Bly the other day, and there is nothing like standing in line in a school cafeteria for all of those nightmares you suffered from school to start flooding back. We all have them and if you don't then you are lieing to yourself because at some point from pre-k thru senior year of high school you have been completely mortified by something you've said , did, or at least been accused of. I was standing with a good friend at the time and commented so and she babbled something not sure what, but I'm pretty sure she's had those moments too. I can probably name at least one with her finger nails and a microscope for a science class of some sort is all I'm saying. Anyway isn't there several things we regret from school and we don't regret them until we are old enough to realize how stupid was that and why didn't I have better sense? I have come across old friends recently on Facebook, MySpace, and in the blogging world and I'm embarrassed about the way that I treated some of those people. You don't realize until you get older that no matter how bad things are or the way people act that you have no idea what they had to experience or go thru while in the confines of their own homes. The homes that as children parents should make a safe place not a place that a child dreads to go home to. So here is my chance to apologize if they ever read this and I have mistreated you in any way form or by any action I do sincerely apologize. You read things about old friends and you realize instantly that your heart breaks for those that are having troubles. You say to yourself that "if I knew then what I know now" phrase things might have been completely different, or maybe not they could have still been the same way just with other circumstances maybe????

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