Friday, May 1, 2009


I find it very interesting to read different articles on the Internet and then read the comments left behind. Those comments are left anonymously by people that aren't afraid to speak their mind no matter if they agree with article subject or not. It's after reading comments left after controversial subject that I begin to wonder how many of us actually agree out loud with what we can leave behind and nobody would know how you really felt. I completely understand wanting to be anonymous what a joy that would be for a little while until you realize that you want people to know yes I agree with that or no I don't. I wonder how the world would be different if in the beginning no one stood up for God and what his teaching are. I firmly believe that any problem we have either as an individual, family, nation, or world can all be answered if we search hard in the Bible and listen intently for the answer from above. The catch to all that is you've actually got to be listening, wanting to hear the answer even if we don't believe it's the right one and then following thru completely when it comes time to stand by our decision. How many people stand by their decision completely never faltering and never no matter what?

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