Thursday, August 20, 2009
Mommie Dearest
Then Wednesday started the same way. Then "Mommie Dearest" hit the door about 4:30. Bly had his papers out of his backpack ready to go. Oh yes this is gonna be easy. One sheet writing the letter Mm. A snap I thought to myself. We will be finished eating supper, playing, watching tv, off to bed on time woohoo! The homework Gods were smiling or at least I thought they were smiling. They were smiling all right I just wasn't getting the joke. We started at 5:00 and Mommie Dearest emerged about 5:20. Who would have ever thought writing one letter would involve a wooden spoon, screaming tantrums pitched by me, one eraser completely gone from the end of the pencil, and several just I'm completely done hand throw ups. I never saw it coming. The homework Gods I'm sure were laughing their asses off at me, because it was quite a show that finally ended at 10:00. Now I realize the joke was on me damn those homework gods to hell. I did however sing praises from the roof when he finally got it correct at 9:30. Then doing what every good mom does I made him practice for another 30 mins, while I searched the cabinets for the hard stuff. I actually didn't although I really wanted to whip out that blender and rita mix put it in a sippy cup and head to the nearest pillow. After all that excitement I sat down in the recliner and had the biggest brain fart of them all: I only had 25 more letters in the alphabet to go. Oh Lawd please help the Mommie Dearest trapped in no patience hell.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
On Hiatus
First my brother and his wife are getting divorced I'd be lieing if I said I was shocked but I'm so not. Keith my brother and I aren't exactly close so when he shows up where I work for almost a whole work week everyday I tend to get a little pissy at the dipshit he married. He was utterly heartbroken and if that's not the kicker he worked on a land rig got laid off on a Thursday and then she kicked him out on Friday I'd say she's a winner for sure. I personally hope she has found someone knew and I wish them all the luck in the world. Was that nice enough???? Oh but who really wants to be nice when you are then accused of getting someone to spy on her! WTF?? I've so got better things to do than hunt down somebody to spy on your ungrateful ass at the freaking bar bitch please.
Second my best friend has gone and gotten herself pregnant with her 3 child (rotflmao)!! She had decided her 2 boys were enough and she really didn't need a girl after she kept Sassy a few months back and she was knocked to her knees when she found out. I how ever am excited to the hilt to know I get to hold a baby soon and equally relieved that that bundle of joy will not be going home with me!!!!! Jerms said we could have no more babies because he had 2 of me with Sassy and he was by no means tempting faith to try for another mini me!!!
Third me and Misty went to BamaJam in Enterprise, AL. If you like hot temps, half naked people, lots of live music, alcohol, and partying nonstop for 3 days in a peanut field in south Alabama then Bama Jam is for you. All kidding aside it was awesome. I'm in love with white trash Kid Rock because he is an awesome performer. We also saw Billy Currington, Taylor Swift, Alan Jackson, Pat Green, Jason Aldean, George Jones, Kellie Pickler, Gary Allan, Brooks and Dunn and of course Kid Rock. I'm sure I'm forgetting some. It was great, it was hot, and I hope to go back next year Kenny Chesney is supposed to be the headliner.
Fourth Jerms came in from work hell bent bound and determined we were taking a family vacation. So we loaded up the "burb" and headed to Gatlinburg, TN for family bonding time. It was a really good trip the mini mes traveled well. I'm sure I've heard every Disney movie we have at least once. I sure do love modern conveniences though at one point I was jamming out to my ipod, Jerms was watching a movie on my laptop, Sassy was watching one movie, and Bly was watching another one. It was a travelers bliss I so enjoyed. We took the kids to the Dinosaur Walk Museum, Ober, Gatlinburg to ride the tram and the ski lift to the very top. Sassy decided she wanted to ride the pirate ship ride which her ponytail made her just barely tall enough to ride and she loved it.

Blyzer loved the dinosaur museum but he enjoyed the Knoxville Zoo the most. It was a really great zoo. There were alot of babies at the zoo. The baby chimpanzee was our favorite he/she (not sure which one it was) was so cute and he/she had evidently caused some chaos before we got to their exhibit because one of the chimps was going nuts screeching at the baby when we got there. It looked like a typical day at our house when one of our lil chimps misbehaves.

Finally as I type this I am in a condo at the beach in Destin with Mist and our kiddos. I love the beach and am so glad that my babies enjoy it too. Tomorrow we will head home and back to our regular schedules and the beach will be a memory. We have been to the Gulfariun to see the shows and then on a Dolphin cruise that poor Mist got sea sick on. She was sweating bullets and not because it was 100 degrees outside with humidity making the air stick to you. The kids got to see the dolphins in their natural habitat and drive the boat.

So as you can see I've had family drama and been on hiatus vacationing away not it's back to reality.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
From T-Ball to the Majors according to Parents.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Things You Regret
Friday, May 1, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Your paybacks

I have come to dread that when Jeremy is gone I have to contend with 2 kids that they are for the most part on opposite ends of the personality spectrum. Bly is 5 and super sensitive, very laid back, and wouldn't or will not take up for himself at all. Addison on the other hand is very outspoken, not sensitive about anything, and would just rather make you squirm when she opens her mouth because either A. she's screaming at someone or B. she's pitching the fit to end all fits. I know about these fits because unfortunately I have thrown and been on the receiving end of hers several times. She physically wares me out. Take today for instance it being Easter you get up, everybody puts their new church clothes on and off to church you go all is going good except for the usual mishaps can't find Bly's belt and Addie doesn't like to be still so its a war of be stills and look right here to get her hair fixed (thank God I had the common sense to finally cut it short). After church is when the chaos begins. We go to my moms who is notorious for being the best or worst Nanna on record. We eat lunch, my niece Celina hides some eggs for the kids too find, and then all HELL breaks loose. Addie starts with my baskets not full, I didn't find as many eggs as Bly, and the list goes on and on and on. Me being the responsible parent I believe I am says that's it its nap time. Ding Ding Round 2 has begun: Addie starts with the sniffles and quavering of the chin "but I don't wanna take a nap" she says. I pick her up sit down in the recline with her and then she really gets cranked up. After about a minute of the bellowing sounding like a cow in search of her lost calf I swat her behind and the the noise just gets louder so I spank her 3 times with my hand on her bottom. In walks Nanna "oh I'll take her just give her here". Well I don't know how many of y'all out there love for a little grandparent interference but today since Addie has become an excellent fit thrower I swear she'd get a gold medal for it I put my foot down and said NOPE we are going home. Ding Ding Round 3 begins immediately where round 2 ends this time I've got her loaded in the "burb" steadily screaming " I WANT MY NANNA" I WANT MY NANNA" then the snot starts pouring and the whole I'm gonna cry till I vomit begins with me proudly shutting that down by saying "If you throw up I swear I will not clean you up". So I slam the door walk inside the house all the while you can hear plan as day as if she's just outside the back door screaming. I calmly put my shoes on tell mom I'll be back for Bly sometime this afternoon and mom has got her glaring glasses on trying to kill me with those you should be ashamed for making that baby cry looks she has become a pro at shooting me. I get in the burb and by this time she is completely sideways buckled in her car seat steadily screaming "I WANT MY NANNA" I back out of the drive way and make it all the way to the end of mom and dads road before I snap........ I pulled over got her out of the car sit her on the side of the road and yes she's still screaming "I WANT MY NANNA" and I got back in the burb and drove off. Now before y'all start trying to find the number to CPS my parents live in country with a population of about 20 people and 100 stray dogs and cats. I drove about 1000 ft down the road before I stop I open the door get out and ask "Addison are you finished?" She between sobs which are now at a normal range says yes mam. I load her back in the burb and away we go. We didn't get very far before she says "how much longer till we get back to Nanna's?" I informed her that we weren't going back till later tonight to pick up Bly that we were headed to our house and she could take a nap there. She was asleep before we got to the end of the road and I woke her up and said NO MAM you can take a nap when we get home. Ding Ding the match is up. We are still waiting on official judgement as to who won! I know that if you don't know me I probably do sound like a very harsh mother but in this day and time it's about time someone did, but that's a blog for a different day.